Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

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I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). One doctor says it’s a chemical or genetic problem. Another doctor says it’s psychological. What do you think? Is there anything other than drugs that I can do to stop?
–The Leaf Duster

Dear Leaf Duster,
I’m not sure how your OCD manifests, how crazy your behaviors drive you, or what drugs you’ve been offered, so I won’t try to take the place of your doctor here. On the emotional/spiritual level, however, your OCD might be a type of cover up. If you want to dust leaves because you are procrastinating about doing something that should be a higher priority, ask yourself, “Why don’t I want to do what should be important?” Are you afraid or perhaps bored? These are the two most common reasons for procrastinating.

When we procrastinate, we generally can’t just do nothing. That would make us feel guilty on top of feeling afraid or bored. Instead, we fill up our time and mental energy with something—hence, leaf dusting or its equivalent. So if you notice that your OCD is more intense these days, ask yourself if you’re thriving as much as you could be. Are you treating yourself as a worthy person, deserving of an extraordinary, enriched life? If you are not able to answer these questions with a resounding, enthusiastic “yes,” then your OCD may be your spirit’s way of letting you know that you’re in Endurance.

So even if you get the OCD treated with medication and therapy, which is certainly a legitimate option, I encourage you to listen for the message that your spirit may be trying to communicate to you. Maybe it’s time to take a risk to get more out of life. Maybe your spirit wants you to play more, or challenge yourself with a new career, or go back to school, or volunteer in your community, or dust off that easel in your attic. Pay attention for a moment to that still, small voice within and let it guide you towards your next adventure.

Although you may always have some level of OCD behavior, I’ve seen, over and over, how OCD can recede from the foreground into the background when people let go of their fears, treat themselves with self-respect, and commit to fulfilling their dreams and aspirations.

Go to StopEnduring.com to read excerpts from Jane Straus’s book, Enough Is Enough!, view her seminars and TV interviews, listen to her radio interviews, make an appointment for a personal coaching session, purchase the book, or sign up for her free newsletter.

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